Tim Angklung Terbaik di Magic Valley Folk Festival Amerika Serikat

Tim Angklung Terbaik di Magic Valley Folk Festival Amerika Serikat

Ditulis Pada 23 Jul 2022 in Berita

BURLEY, IDAHO – Setelah sukses tampil memukau di New York, Washington DC, dan Chicago, Tim Muhibah Angklung dari Bandung, Jawa Barat (Jabar), kembali menghebohkan masyarakat Amerika Serikat (AS) melalui penampilannya di Magic Valley Folk Festival di Kota Burley, Negara Bagian Idaho, 18-23 Juli 2022. Tak tanggung-tanggung para penonton yang sangat antusias melakukan standing applause, bahkan banyak yang mendaulat mereka sebagai tim terbaik selama festival berlangsung.

Meskipun tidak ada pemeringkatan secara resmi bagi para peserta, namun banyak pihak menilai tim Indonesia, yang diwakili oleh Angklung Muhibah, tampil luar biasa dan pantas menjadi yang terbaik pada festival yang diikuti oleh sejumlah negara tersebut. Hal itu disampaikan oleh berbagai pihak, seperti John Ellis, sound engineer pada King Fine Arts Centre.

“I thought the Indonesian team is the best, and I don’t mean by a little bit, but I mean by a lot. They were fantastic! It’s just the whole thing, the music, the colors. I am colorman. I love colors. Indonesia was just colorful. And the music is completely unique and unusual. It’s wonderful. I always got a goosebump when I heard the music,” ujar John Ellys.

Apresiasi tinggi juga disampaikan oleh Direktur King Fine Arts Centre, Dusty Fisher. Ia mengatakan, tim Indonesia mengangkat standar penampilan menjadi sangat tinggi.

“We enjoy having your team here. You brought sound technician, you brought all these people that are very professional in their behaviour, that is wonderful! Watching your team performance was fun. Your dancers have high energy the entire time. You raised the bar for our performance. Very high. And I appreciate that from you guys!” tutur Dusty Fisher.

Sementara itu Direktur Magic Valley Folk Festival, Krista Gammon, mengatakan bahwa Tim Muhibah Angklung sangat profesional dan duta budaya yang sangat baik untuk Indonesia.

“The Indonesian team, they are amazing, so well trained, well practiced, so much energy. The crowd loves everything they did. They are so kind, so gracious, they are so warm to our family. We love having them there. This team is a great representative for your country, for your culture. You made such a good decision to represent each part of your culture, and including your instrument, and your dance, and that is something the world need to see,” ungkap Krista Gammon.

Bahkan ia menulis surat resmi yang mengatakan, “The Tim Muhibah Angklung group has met all these requirements and exceeded our expectations for the quality of their performances. Every performance has been exciting for the audience and the performers have been entertaining and engaging with the audiences. This group and their director have been professional and pleasant to work with throughout the festival.”

“We hope to see him and his team return in the future to perform at the Magic Valley Folk Festival. The Tim Muhibah Angklung team has been a delight to host and their performances have been wonderful. We highly recommend them for future performances, festivals, and awards that they may desire,” harapnya.