Angklung Tutorial for Beginners

Angklung Tutorial for Beginners

Posted on 29 Aug 2023 in Tutorial

Posted on Aug 29, 2023 in Tutorial

Here is a basic beginner's guide to playing Angklung:

  1. Get to know the Angklung:

- Learn about the basic structure of the angklung. The angklung is a traditional Indonesian musical instrument made of bamboo tubes of different lengths. Each tube produces a different sound when shaken.

- Learn about the parts of the angklung, including the straps that connect the bamboo tubes to the frame.

  1. Playing position:

- First, hold the Angklung frame with your left and right hands.

- Make sure the angklung is parallel to the ground and not tilted.

- To play, the angklung is usually placed in front of you or hung in your hand.

  1. Angklung Playing Technique:

- The angklung is played by shaking it. When you shake the angklung, the bamboo tubes rattle and produce a sound.

- Try to shake the angklung gently and steadily to get a clear sound. Don't shake too hard or too soft.

  1. Learn Angklung notation:

- To play songs with angklung, you need to understand angklung notation. Angklung notation usually uses numbers or letters to indicate which bamboo pipe to wiggle and when.

- Learn the angklung notation commonly used in the songs you want to play.

  1. Practice the basic notes:

- Practice by playing the basic notes on the angklung. Try playing one bamboo pipe at a time to understand how it sounds.

- You can start by practicing basic notes such as do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, and do.

  1. Learn a simple song:

- Once you are comfortable playing the basic notes, try learning simple songs that use Angklung.

- You can search for Angklung sheet music for songs you like and want to play.

  1. Practice regularly:

- As with learning any musical instrument, practice is the key to success. Schedule regular practice time to develop your angklung playing skills.

- Try to improve your speed and accuracy as you play.

  1. Join an Angklung team/group:

- If possible, consider joining a local angklung group or music community that plays angklung. This will give you the opportunity to learn from others and play together in an ensemble.

  1. Enjoy the process:

- Above all, enjoy the process of learning to play the angklung. It is a unique instrument and can be a very fulfilling musical experience.

Remember that learning to play the angklung takes patience and dedication. The more you practice, the better you will become at playing this instrument. Enjoy your musical journey with the angklung!