How to create Angklung

How to create Angklung

Posted on 29 Aug 2023 in Tutorial

Posted on Aug 29, 2023 in Tutorial

Here is a tutorial on how to make a bamboo angklung:

Materials and tools:

    • Apus Bamboo (Gigantochloa apus)
    • Rattan
    • Hacksaw
    • Chisel
    • Ruler
    • Pencil
  • Utility knife


  • Selecting the Bamboo

The bamboo used to make angklung is wormwood bamboo. The wormwood bamboo has a good sound and it is easy to work with.

  • Cutting the bamboo

The bamboo is cut to a length of about 30 to 40 cm.

  • Splitting the bamboo

The bamboo is split into two pieces of 2 to 3 cm in width.

  • Making the sound tube

The sound tube is made by peeling the bamboo skin. This leaves a thin center.

  • Making the tone hole

The tone hole is created by striking the center of the sound tube with a chisel..

  • Measuring the tone hole

The tone holes are measured with a ruler and pencil. The distance between the tone holes must be the same to produce a harmonious tone.

  • Making the Tone Holes

The tie holes are made with a knife. This hole is used to bind the angklung with rattan.

  • Arranging the Angklung

The angklung is arranged by tying the sound tube with rattan.

  • Testing the Angklung

The angklung is tested by playing it. If the resulting sound does not match, the tone hole can be adjusted.


Here are some tips for making a bamboo angklung:

  • Use high quality bamboo

High quality bamboo has a good sound and is easy to work with.

  • Consider the size of the tone hole

The size of the tone hole must be appropriate to produce a harmonious sound.

  • Use strong rattan

Strong rattan can prevent the angklung from being easily damaged.

By following the instructions above, you can make your own bamboo angklung.