Highlights of the Angklung Fest 2023

Highlights of the Angklung Fest 2023

Posted on 29 Aug 2023 in Events

Posted on Aug 29, 2023 in Activities

The culminating event of the Angklung Festival will take place over two days:

Day 1 (November 18, 2023): The event includes performances by the 25 teams that qualified for the final round.

Day 2 (November 19, 2023): Performances by 4 teams (residents, people with disabilities, elderly and children) who have been practicing at Rumah Angklung for 2.5 months. Afterwards, the winners of the Angklung competition were announced and prizes were awarded. The event was concluded with a concert by the Muhibah Angklung team and other Angklung communities.