Udjo Ngalagena

Udjo Ngalagena

Udjo Ngalagena is the stage name of Udin Sutisna. He is an Indonesian angklung maestro from Bandung, West Java. Udjo is known as a figure who is credited with developing and popularizing Angklung internationally.

Udjo was born on August 11, 1928 in Bandung. He began learning angklung at an early age from his father, Daeng Soetigna, who was the creator of diatonic angklung. Udjo also learned music from various teachers, including his own father.

In 1954, Udjo founded Saung Angklung Udjo in Bandung. Saung Angklung Udjo is an educational and artistic institution that is dedicated to the preservation and development of Angklung. In this Saung, Udjo teaches Angklung to children from all walks of life, from the children of the village to the children of the wealthy families.

Udjo is also active in performing Angklung in various parts of Indonesia and abroad. He has brought the Angklung to many countries in the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Udjo has received numerous awards for his work in music, including:

  • Anugerah Seni from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (1968)
  • Honorary Satya Lencana Kebudayaan (1973)
  • Anugerah Manggala Bhuana Kerta Raharja from the Government of the Province of West Java (1978)
  • Anugerah Seniman Nasional (1980)
  • Fukuoka Asian Culture Award (1993)
  • UNESCO World Heritage Award (2010)

Udjo died in Bandung on May 18, 2022 at the age of 93. He left behind valuable works for the development of Indonesian music, especially Angklung.

Here are some of Udjo's famous works:

  • Angklung Orchestra
  • Angklung Tunggal
  • Contemporary Angklung
  • Angklung Pop
  • Angklung Jazz

Udjo is credited with the development and international popularization of angklung. His work has made angklung a musical instrument known and loved by people all over the world.